Ahhh the GLAMGLOW, what a story. I must confess that in recent months I have asked myself the question: How can a care - in such a short time - be approved and complimented by all the American blogosphere? It's almost unheard of.
So much about this "jewel" means that Hollywood comes to wonder whether
it would not be a panacea for a dream skin .. Having dry skin and
sensitive, when I read magazines about the Youthmud
, the "original" mask, I immediately made the idea that it was not
for me: it is inspired masks with clay and serve as micro-dermabrasion
skin .. And then one day, I received a small sample of this small mask
"black" and I tested. Well .. He did not convince me. Besides tingling, I found myself red as a lobster and small pieces of tea leaves was not super pleasant on the skin. I thought the adventure was going to stop there.
Recently, I received a box of the same brand but this time, the purifying treatment Supermud was accompanied by the famous mask exfoliant youth, Youthmud .
The principle of this package is simple: it allows you to test the
Supermud in full-size (50ml) and the Youthmud in travel size (15ml) or
to offer this kit, simply.
The packaging is quite innovative because it turns "360" in order to offer it in its pink version, for women, or blue for men.
It's still well thought because suddenly, if that interests a man, he
can use it without shame because the pink .. can be quite annoying.
Certainly not for all boys but I know that if I give a pink box to my
dad, he'll ask me if I have not cracked a little while in the blue
version, it would be more interested on.
Inside, here is how come these masks:
Their bling bling side Hollywood's still pretty funny to see: it seems we try to sell us the dream.
The packaging in itself pleases me anyway: the pot is silver "mirror"
effect and is decorated in white or black depending on care.
Knowing that these treatments are quite expensive, we are glad to see
that at the packaging, they do not make fun of us and we do not end up
with "cheap" plastic.
As I explained to you, knowing that my skin has not enjoyed his first experience with the Youthmud , I have not been back, I've enough redness like that, thank you.
Instead, I gave him my darling who should use it because we do not have
the same skin type and his skin is less sensitive than mine.
Let's go to what really interests me, his buddy the Supermud .
It was with some apprehension that I tested because I was really afraid
of finding myself again in tomato mode and not detect any effect on my
skin .. I am filled before applying, history to understand its use. I suggest you read what the brand says:
"Supermud purifying treatment is the most advanced scientifically to GlamGlow to target, prevent skin problems.
in the laboratory by Glamglow ™ dermatologist, it helps to fight the
most common skin blemishes in a very short time, for instant beauty
- ACNECIDIC-6 ™: 4.4%; a mixture of AHA and BHA acids 6 to help fight skin problems and tighten pore size, improve skin elasticity.
Activated Charcoal-X: Extremely absorbent charcoal that absorbs toxic
substances up to 500 times its volume and for any skin type.
- K17-Clay ™: Extract and traps excess sébums, bacteria and toxins.
TEAOXI ™: Delivers daily natural Eucalyptol, linalool oil and powerful
flavonoids directly into the formula from pieces of eucalyptus leaves. "
As I was explaining, not having a problem skin, I wondered if I would see any effect on my skin.
Despite the fact that I do not suffer from acne or pimples, I happen to
have some large pores, hormonal small buttons on the chin during our
favorite time of the month for us girls or the quite uneven skin tone (=
small reliefs). Basically, I'm like everyone else: bacteria, pollution, toxins meet my face too.
So I went mollo: I applied this product in the T-zone avoiding cheeks because this is where my redness tend to stand out. In any case, when I have small imperfections they are always placed at the nose and chin. No need to go bother my little cheeks!
When applying this rather liquid paste, it is quite dark. Like many masks with clay, dry texture, freezes and cleared. We must appreciate the menthol odor because it is mentholated Supermud and it even feels on the skin. Despite my sensitive and reactive skin, unlike Youthmud , tingling did not appear.
After allowing 15 minutes put the material had dried completely and I
also found that the level of my nose, as the product had encrusted pores
to treat .. intriguing! Even at finding small imperfections.
Comes the fateful moment flushing: WHEN DOES IT WORK?
In contact with water, the mask returns to its original color and rinses easily.
I dry myself quickly face with a clean, soft towel, I approach the
mirror, I touch my skin and .. O_O for the FIRST TIME with a mask, I see
the effects.
It was hard to believe but it was true: my skin was smooth / soft as a
baby's skin, my most "clear" pores clean and tightened all my dry areas
that have a nasty tendency to flake: disappeared. YAYYYY!

Obviously the downside is its price: € 49.90 plan for the pot or box that I presented to you today. Of course, I advise you to enjoy the 20% code to crack but know that 50 ml will last you a while: we apply a small amount each time. Also keep heading that like me, you probably do not need to apply all over the face and finally, you can very well apply it very accurately on small areas to be treated for a return to the max!
Both say that I expect only one thing: the release in France of moisturizing Version: The Thirsty mud! Ideal for my skin type ..
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